Working with Local Farmers

Working with Local Farmers and Vendors

One of the reasons Italian cuisine has made its mark on the world is by utilizing the amazing produce nearby, allowing for its beautiful simplicity; preserving tomatoes when they’re ripest, using olive oil when it’s fresh-pressed, and eating fish straight from the sea. While the seasons here in Michigan are shorter than in Italy (meaning we won’t have fresh tomatoes on the menu for long!), we intend to harness the essence of Italian food by sourcing locally as much as possible. 

This is not to say that every product we have is sourced locally. For example, seafood is an essential component of coastal Italian cuisine. Sourcing quality seafood in Michigan has always been a challenge, so we are incredibly fortunate that a distributor like Motor City Seafood has put roots down nearby in Detroit.
Our goal at Tiliani is to provide the best quality Italian cuisine. Between a plethora of amazing farms, a dedicated seafood vendor, and the abundance of middle eastern ingredients available through the community here in Dearborn, we have found ourselves in the perfect position to offer a version of Italian cuisine that we’re proud of. 

Working closely with farmers in the area, we handpick the freshest vegetables, fruits, and herbs Michigan has to offer. From flavorful heirloom tomatoes to sweet peaches, our commitment to sourcing local farm produce provides a more authentic experience that embodies coastal Italian cuisine.